Regan Gentry

Regan Gentry

Regan’s sculptural tree featured
in the garden, “Ecology of Place” is
his debut work i
Alma Du Solier

Alma Du Solier

Alma Du Solier is an architect
and landscape architect with
a Masters in Landscape Architect
Walter Hood

Walter Hood

Walter Hood is professor and former
chair of the Landscape Architecture
and Environmental Pl
NIP Paysage

NIP Paysage

Since its inception in 2001 by five
Université de Montréal graduates
(Mathieu Casavant, Fr
Ken Smith

Ken Smith

Ken Smith graduated from the
Harvard Graduate School of Design
in 1986 and started his care
Van Sweden & Brady

Van Sweden & Brady

Oehme, van Sweden and Associates,
Inc is landscape architecture
firm based in Washington, DC
Mario Schjetnan

Mario Schjetnan

Inspired by the pre-Columbian myth
and colonial history of his
native Mexico, as well as twe
John Greenlee

John Greenlee

Known as the “Grassman” in
horticultural circles, John Greenlee
is an internationally
Andy Cao & Xavier Perrot

Andy Cao & Xavier Perrot

cao | perrot studio is collaborative
in nature. Each Drawing
on diverse cultural backgrounds
Conway Cheng Chang

Conway Cheng Chang

The principal of LUCID Land Studio,
San Francisco. He holds an MLA with
distinction from the
Yoji Sasaki

Yoji Sasaki

Born into a family of artists, Yoji
Sasaki seeks to bring art and
landscape architecture i
Roger Raiche & David McCrory

Roger Raiche & David McCrory

McCrory met Raiche while interning
at the Botanical Gardens in
Berkeley, California, where


At SWA, we define creativity as the
entire process of generating,
developing, and transformi